The term “Boss” has become a trend all around social media, with such hastags as #BossBabe #BossLife #BossB etc trending all over Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and the likes.
Regardless of what occupational career you’re pursuing or business venture you plan to embark, being a Boss is a widely desired lifestyle. What comes with it is freedom, flexibility and a sense of being in total control of your own life.
One of the biggest considerations when moving into creating a #BossLife is how you are perceived in your industry, with your peers, and as an Authority within your field. The way you are perceived is directly correlated with the way you present yourself. Bosses represent themselves at the highest level. They become someone they’d hire in their own business.
Bosses don’t have a vision of being someone else’s employee all their life. In their heart of hearts they are dead set on being your own boss. That’s the mentality of a Boss!
Being a boss is a quality that we can all acquire, but oftentimes Boss’-in-the-making aren’t sure how to live up to that ultimate potential. This may be a result of many factors. When it comes down to it, having the skills necessary to be a #Boss starts with acting like one before you actually arrive.
Here are five additional steps to take to become that empowered businessperson that you desire to be:
Create A List of Your Strengths/Weaknesses
The first step to total Bossdom is to evaluate yourself honestly! Sit down with a cup of (Naja) tea, light a candle in a quiet space and write a list of what you’re great at and areas you would like to improve. Use the SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Strengths) to dig deep into your internal drivers as well as the opportunities and threats. How are you currently playing in the world? Where can you improve to expand your Bossness? When used in a personal context, the SWOT process will help you develop yourself in a way that takes best advantage of your talents, abilities and opportunities. Like a Boss.
Begin Each Day Aggressively
Bosses don’t sit around waiting for things to happen TO them. They go after what they want aggressively and with passion! Starting your day off with a clear mind and a clear plan will allow you to achieve your daily objectives. We all get the same 24 hours each day! Bosses make the most of those hours. Let’s be clear, aggressively doesn’t mean jumping onto your cell phone and start working the moment you wake up! Aggressively means having structure around your day. Being with self-care. And Bosses schedule downtime and aren’t afraid of saying NO. Overworking yourself can so easily have you burnt and wanting to give up!
Meditate. Pray. Have quite, creative space. Know when you’ll make important calls, your most productive time and the ever important yet often missed daily downtime.
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Time can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. Capitalize on it like a true Boss!
Plan It Out
Spend 10 minutes every morning coming up with specific objectives to be completed by the end of the day. Bosses are usually aware of deadlines, pending events, or potential business ventures. And Bosses know their numbers! What’s coming in and what’s going out. Bosses look at their business and their life proactively and they create a plan to move themselves closer to success. (Oh, and every Boss has a very specific definition for what success means to THEM!).
Surround Yourself With Other Bosses
Every Boss needs a supportive squad of other Bosses that hold them accountable. Trusted advisors, cheerleaders, accountability partners. Like-minds that desire to see you live to your potential. No Boss is an island, so stop acting like one! Being a Boss doesn’t mean you know it all! It means you know what you know and you surround yourself with smart, ambitious people who know what you don’t. Your #BossNetwork is CRITICAL to your success! They may start with your work boss who you’ve seen as a mentor. Or people you’ve developed a relationship with through networking (Check out to find local events to meet all kinds of Bosses!) or even a coach that you hire to help you accomplish your #BossGoals. Regardless of how you find them, do it. Because being a #SoloBoss is no fun and will ultimately have you feeling lonely, overwhelmed and overworked.
Celebrate Boss Moments!
The journey to becoming a #TotalBoss has be daunting, scary and feel like a LOT of work. It can also be fulfilling beyond anything else you’ve done in your life. Always remember to celebrate each win, each new opportunity and all of the moments, big and small that move you closer to creating the #BossLifestyle you dream of.
Being a Boss may not be for everyone. But if it’s for you, you CAN achieve it!
It will take a bit of smart work, planning and community building. But when your #BossMoment arrives, you’ll know. Because you’ll most likely shout it out on Social Media. #Boss4Life!
Go Get ‘Em!